Pizza Night
Call your favorite pizza place, pack up the family, and come join us for a family fun night at Cape Baptist! We encourage everyone to bring their family’s favorite pizza …
Call your favorite pizza place, pack up the family, and come join us for a family fun night at Cape Baptist! We encourage everyone to bring their family’s favorite pizza …
Plan now to attend our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Tuesday, December 24th at 6pm. We will have such a special time ushering in Christmas with music, a timely …
Join us each Wednesday @ 7pm for our Bible Study! We enjoy a time of singing together followed by an in-depth study of the Word of God! We are currently …
Make plans to join us this Sunday @11am for our morning worship service! Bring the whole family!
Don’t forget our Bible Study and Prayer service tonight at 7pm! See you soon!
Join us Sunday, April 1st, as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! We invite you to join us for a Free Breakfast Buffet from 9:30-10:30 AM followed by the …
Join us for a special service as we host Sounds of Grace from Dayspring Bible College and Seminary on Sunday, February 18 at 6pm! We are going to have awesome music and …
Ladies, don’t forget that our new Bible Study, A Compliment by Design, taught by Cindy Holler begins tomorrow, January 7, at 9:45am! See you there!
Ladies, join us this Sunday, January 7, at 9:45am for an all new Bible Study! A Compliment by Design is a Sunday Bible Study for married ladies, taught by Cindy Holler. The class will …
Join us on this very special night, December 24 at 6:00pm, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. There will be music, candle lighting and a message of hope for …
Join us on this very special night, December 24 at 6:00pm, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. There will be music, candle lighting and a message of hope for …
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no Wednesday Impact or Bible Study, no AWANA Thursday night and no Ladies’ Bible Study on Friday. Take this time to be …
Don’t miss our special Thanksgiving service today at 11am! Following the service is a free dinner. Join us!
Happy Wednesday! Make it a point to come to Bible Study tonight at 7p!
Ever wonder how God is working today? Come to our Bible Study tonight at 7p!