Wow – we had so much fun at VBS at Cape Baptist today! Thank you so much, parents, for your understanding and cooperation with our new setup due to the rain! It worked fabulously, and our PreK – 2nd graders had a blast!
A couple highlights…our Creature Feature for today was Doug the Guinea Pig! The kids loved learning some new (and some crazy!) facts about guinea pigs, and then Doug paid a special visit to each of our classes!
We are also delighted that Kona Ice came to Cape Baptist today to provide the snack for the kids! We are so grateful for the community outreach program that they did and look forward to having them again next week for our older kids.
The best part of the day? Watching so many little faces rapt with wonder as we explained how Jesus died on the cross for their sins, was buried, rose again, and that simple belief in that assures them a home in Heaven. What a privilege!
See you tomorrow!